The Openpilot Community and The Openpilot Documentation Project are community supported projects.

The "Comma", "Openpilot", "ChffrPlus", "EON", "Panda", and "Giraffe" are registered trademarks of, Inc. This website, and it's affiliated links are not endorsed, or supported by, Inc.

Nothing on this website or it's affiliated websites will enable your vehicle to be super-human and drive itself. You must keep your eyes on the road and your hands on the wheel at all times. This documentation is for research purposes only.

Use this information at your own risk.

Development Guides

We're always striving to create great articles for helping you make contributions to openpilot.

Without guides, many people might be intimidated to contribute to the code even when they are perfectly capable of doing so.

So we're compiling a list of guides we think are the most relevant to those looking to make changes to openpilot.

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