The Openpilot Community and The Openpilot Documentation Project are community supported projects.

The "Comma", "Openpilot", "ChffrPlus", "EON", "Panda", and "Giraffe" are registered trademarks of, Inc. This website, and it's affiliated links are not endorsed, or supported by, Inc.

Nothing on this website or it's affiliated websites will enable your vehicle to be super-human and drive itself. You must keep your eyes on the road and your hands on the wheel at all times. This documentation is for research purposes only.

Use this information at your own risk.


Creating a New Document

If you would like to create a new document, all we ask is that you first do a search of the repository for similar pages to find the best place for it. If you're unsure, we can all help you with the location when you submit the pull request.

Documents are all in the Markdown format. If you're unfamiliar with this format, it's REALLY straight forward. That's why we chose it.

Markdown is just plain text but uses symbols to emphasize formatting instead of the styling itself.

For a simple cheatsheet, checkout the following GitHub gist...

Pull Requests

Feel free to create the new document directly in the GitHub interface.
It will guide you to create a Pull Request. Go ahead and do that, and one of the appointed community members will approve the PR as quickly as possible.

Create a new .md file in the relevant directory.

Documents should always be as tiny as possible and should stick to its purpose.

If you need to add info that might be already covered by another section, please use a markdown link to that respective content.

What can a document represent?

A document should always be as small as possible. Do not over explain. If it's a question that hasn't been submitted, submit it quickly so it gets indexed and we can reference those links later when people continually ask them.

Short and sweet.

An example of an FAQ addition

In slack, you notice someone asked this:

I'm taking my vehicle in for service ... is there an easy way to remove the giraffe?

You simply create a new md file in src/faq with a relatively useful but not too long name such as

With the following content:

Q: I'm taking my vehicle in for service ... is there an easy way to remove the giraffe?

A: From the back of the griaffe, go up from the bottom, there is a tab to depress, giraffe slides out

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