The Openpilot Community and The Openpilot Documentation Project are community supported projects.

The "Comma", "Openpilot", "ChffrPlus", "EON", "Panda", and "Giraffe" are registered trademarks of, Inc. This website, and it's affiliated links are not endorsed, or supported by, Inc.

Nothing on this website or it's affiliated websites will enable your vehicle to be super-human and drive itself. You must keep your eyes on the road and your hands on the wheel at all times. This documentation is for research purposes only.

Use this information at your own risk.

Toyota Camry

Openpilot is compatible with some Camry model(s) so feel free to browse the support pages for these models below for additional specifics. The goal is to support as many vehicles as possible.

To chat about Camry's with the community, checkout the Comma Slack.

Compatible Years

This is the current list of trims being tested and/or actively supported by either community members or Varying levels of support / testing are being done on the listed models so please review them thoroughly.

How to add support for a vehicle

If you own an unsupported vehicle but are interested in discussing porting it to openpilot, join us in the Comma Slack. There will also be some great info on porting models in Development Guides.

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